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Create the Restoration Business You’ve Always Wanted

Increase your profitability, reduce the chaos and build a business you can sell to fund your retirement - or your next venture. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation Call

Boost Your Profits:

Transform Your Business into a High-Earning Powerhouse

Cut the Chaos:

Master Delegation, and Evolve from Daily Tasks to Strategic Leadership

Build to Sell:

Maximize Your Business Value for a Lucrative Future Exit

Create the Restoration Business You’ve Always Wanted

Increase your profitability, reduce the chaos and build a business you can sell to fund your retirement - or your next venture. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation Call

Boost Your Profits:

Transform Your Business into a High-Earning Powerhouse

Cut the Chaos:

Master Delegation, and Evolve from Daily Tasks to Strategic Leadership

Build to Sell:

Maximize Your Business Value for a Lucrative Future Exit

20 years ago, I started my property restoration business and let me tell you - early on, it was chaos!

I had the vision, the energy and the desire, but I soon learned that managing a restoration business needed much more than this. I couldn’t figure out why I was working so hard, yet barely turning a profit.

With so many sides to the business, it is easy to make mistakes and every mistake costs money. So I decided to get laser-focused on every part of the business. I started with an understanding of the financial side of the business on a deep level and became determined to strip it all back and focus on simply becoming much more profitable. Then, I moved on to the processes in the sales and operations workflow, refined them and strengthened them, so that each new customer was treated to a flawless experience with minimum administration at my end. Now, I want to pass those workflows on to you.

Remove the mayhem of restoration - ok, we’re in the restoration business - would you settle for greatly reducing the chaos - I can’t promise to completely remove it . . . and start focussing on the key points to turn your business around. Together we can plot your path to success and all it takes to get started is one free call. It all starts with a simple conversation about what it is that you want for yourself, your team and your business.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Call Today

What I offer to Clients

The Restoration Sales Academy Group Coaching

Join my weekly group Masterclass – The Restoration Sales Academy (RSA) – where you will receive insightful coaching in a select group of sales reps and business owners. Together you will learn how to build a prospect list, get super-organized to make the most of your “selling time”, build a diverse set of referral sources, and get your phone buzzing with lead after lead.

These group coaching sessions double your value. Not only are you receiving deep insight from me, but you also get to interact with other restoration sales reps from across the country. You get to pick each other's brains and help to figure out what’s working and what’s not, and with a team like this behind you, you almost can’t help but generate more revenue. If you put in the effort, you are going to get results - it’s that simple.

Book a free call with me today to see if RSA is going to be the best fit for you.

Click here to learn more.

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The Restoration Profit Academy Group Coaching

Dive into my weekly Masterclass – The Restoration Profit Academy (RPA) – tailored for restoration business owners aiming for higher profitability. In this exclusive group coaching setting, you'll discover strategies for financial management, cost control, and profit maximization. Together, we'll navigate through understanding your financials, optimizing operational efficiency, and setting your business on a path to substantial growth.

RPA offers a unique blend of personalized coaching from me and invaluable peer learning. You'll engage with other business owners, sharing experiences, challenges, and successes. This collaborative environment fosters a rich learning experience, where practical advice and real-world solutions emerge.

Embrace the opportunity to transform your business. With focused effort and the right strategies, stepping into a future of enhanced profitability and reduced chaos is not just possible, it's within reach.

Schedule a no-cost consultation with me to explore if RPA is the right move for your business's future success.

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One-to-one coaching

Connect directly with me. As I am the country’s leading business restoration coach, during our time together you will be able to drill down into the current state of your business and identify the challenges in your operations that are holding you back from running a highly profitable, million-dollar business.

One-to-one coaching is extremely limited in numbers, due to the level of hands-on service that each client receives. There is no template here, no one-size-fits-all approach. I analyze your current business and give you the tools to increase profitability, improve cash flow, and remove yourself from the day-to-day operations of the business.

Spaces are limited, so book a call today to find out how to turn your business around with One-to-one Coaching.

Schedule Your Call Today

One-to-one coaching

Connect directly with me. As I am the country’s leading business restoration coach, during our time together you will be able to drill down into the current state of your business and identify the challenges in your operations that are holding you back from running a highly profitable, million-dollar business.

One-to-one coaching is extremely limited in numbers, due to the level of hands-on service that each client receives. There is no template here, no one-size-fits-all approach. I analyze your current business and give you the tools to increase profitability, improve cash flow, and remove yourself from the day-to-day operations of the business.

Spaces are limited, so book a call today to find out how to turn your business around with One-to-one Coaching.

Schedule Your Call Today

What is the Growth League Going to Do for You?

I called the business The Growth League because that is exactly what I want every customer to do, to Grow – Personally, Professionally and Financially.

Don’t find yourself in the same situation you are now by the end of another year. We know how easy it is to lose yourself in the day-to-day of your business, keeping all those plates spinning, rather than taking one step back and realizing that things need to change.

We start our own businesses for two reasons, money and time. We want to make money our way, but we also want time to spend with our family, doing the things that we truly love. Working with The Growth League helps you focus on exactly that, building processes into your operations that increase cash flow and reduce the amount of time you spend stressing about work.

Let’s be realistic, we are in the restoration industry, so you might never be able to come home at the end of the day and completely forget about work, but we can help you significantly improve your situation. Imagine being so incredibly well-organized that you never miss another opportunity. How nice would that be!

Get your business to a place where it can almost run itself, or set it up for a sale that funds your next big thing or your retirement. Wherever you want your business to head, The Growth League has the skills and experience to make it happen.

Book a Free Consultation Call Today

Hey, I’m Scott.

I’ve owned, operated, and sold multiple businesses since 1994. As a certified business coach (with credentials from the ICF, CEC, and Best Year Yet), team coach, group facilitator, and business owner, I know all about the highs that come with scaling to 6-figure months and hundreds of 5-star reviews, to the lows of employee challenges, demanding customers and all the crazy in between.

For the past 15 years, I’ve been coaching independent and franchise business owners involved with property damage restoration and general contracting – single location operations to large, multi-office 8-figure organizations.

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Doing Hard Things Pay Dividends - Sometimes Forever

Sep 30, 2024

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This is your opportunity to turn your business around

Learn to take control, rather than suffering through the chaos of watching jobs spiral out of control and out of profitability. Stop feeling like you have to be on top of every element and learn operational systems to free up your headspace to focus on what really matters.

You have what it takes, your business is in a thriving industry and all you need to do is systematize your sales and operations processes and you will start to see your profits spike.

With proven results, The Growth League has all the knowledge and experience to empower you to steer your business into the black and start turning maximum profits with minimum effort.

Schedule a Call with Your Future Today