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Leadership in Restoration: Understanding and Communicating "The Why"

Leadership in Restoration: Understanding and Communicating "The Why"

communication leadership restoration business May 28, 2024

I just wrapped up a coaching session and got hit with a déjà vu moment. We're all juggling—the never-ending documentation demands from TPAs and insurance carriers, daily log notes across platforms, and justifying every little action and cost. Sounds familiar, right?


 Let me cut to the chase: When I tell my team about these demands, it’s not me being a stickler—it’s what our clients, the insurance carriers, are asking for. And there's a solid reason behind it. Excelling in these tasks means more work for us, growth opportunities, better income, and benefits for everyone. But here's the kicker: understanding "The Why" behind these asks doesn't just benefit the company . . . in the bigger picture, it's about making our clients' tough times a bit easier, leading to growth that benefits us all.

Aside from the tasks driven by insurance carriers, there are plenty of other things we need our team members to do. Explaining “The Why” is helpful here as well.


Real-Life Impact

Take budget setting before starting a job, targeting a specific gross profit percentage. When I introduced this, explaining "The Why" made all the difference. More company profit meant higher employee income. Without "The Why," this could've been a much harder sell.


Making It Personal

I’ve always connected "The Why" to our team's personal goals. It's about delivering exceptional service to our clients, which in turn fuels our growth. This growth translates into personal benefits for the team: advancement opportunities, higher income, and the pride of being the best in the market.


The Habit of Leadership

Consistency is key. You can’t just explain “The Why” one time and cross it off your list.  A strong meeting rhythm helps keep "The Why" front and center in daily operations. Regular meetings, even when it seems like there's too much or too little to discuss, provide the perfect opportunity to reinforce "The Why" related to our tasks. Don’t let business, slowness, vacations, customer meetings or anything else get in the way of keeping your meeting rhythm alive.


Overcoming Resistance

Resistance? Let's talk about it. When skepticism crops up (and it will), I turn to the team for their input. What can make their lives easier within our constraints? I actively seek suggestions that we can implement, even if just on a trial basis. It's about finding a common ground where efficiency meets compliance.


The Bigger Picture

The ultimate goal? A better work environment, happy team members, creating raving fans, and helping you grow a profitable enterprise. It’s not just about the tasks at hand but building something greater together.

For those ready to dive deeper into making "The Why" an integral part of your leadership and transforming your team dynamics, my coaching programs—be it the Restoration Profit Academy (RPA), the Restoration Sales Academy (RSA), or customized 1-on-1 coaching—might just be what you’re looking for. 

Here’s to embedding "The Why" into the heart of your operations.

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