Mid-Year Check-In: Is Your Business on Track?
Jun 13, 2023We're about halfway through the year, and it's a great time to check-in. So, how's your year going so far? On track or are there some areas you'd like to improve? If you're smashing your goals, well done! But if things aren't quite going according to plan, no worries, we've still got plenty of time to turn things around.
If you don’t know who I am, I’m Scott Miller, the owner of thegrowthleague.com. I’m making these videos because I’m passionate about helping restoration business owners get more profitable, reduce the chaos, and build something they can sell for a lot of money when they are ready to move on.
Let's do a little exercise. I want you to think about the different aspects of your business, and give yourself a score from 1 to 5 in each area. This time, 1 means "fantastic, couldn't be better!" and 5 means "definitely needs some work."
1. Sales: How's your revenue looking? Are sales up to the mark?
2. Cash Flow: Are you managing the money going out as well as the money coming in?
3. Profitability: After expenses, what's left over?
4. Team Accountability: How's your team doing? Are they taking responsibility, meeting expectations, and are you holding them accountable?
5. Marketing/Social Media: Is your brand getting enough visibility and engagement?
6. Diverse Referral Sources: Are you depending too much on one or two referral sources or are you spreading it out?
7. Working "On" vs. "In" the Business: Are you steering the ship or stuck rowing the boat?
8. Lifestyle Balance: Are you enjoying your work and personal life balance?
Now, if you could wave a magic wand and improve one area instantly, which one would you pick?
Once you've got your scores and picked an area to improve, let's talk. I'm offering a free session to help you create an action plan tailored to the area you most want to improve. Seriously, no charge at all. Let's make the second half of the year even better than the first!
Ready to make your business better? Schedule a call with me by clicking the link below. Here's to your continued success!
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In The Best Shape of Its Life
with the help of a guide dedicated to your success.