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The Unexpected Secret Weapon for Your Restoration Team: Personal Responsibility

The Unexpected Secret Weapon for Your Restoration Team: Personal Responsibility

2024 goals restoration business Jun 28, 2024

Let's face it, in the world of restoration, you're laser-focused on the practical. Getting leads, signing, jobs, sales, profitability, delegation – these are the everyday activities that lead to your success. But what about a seemingly unrelated concept: personal responsibility? You might think it's a given, but many restoration business owners, myself included, encounter challenges like missed deadlines, unclear communication, and a lack of ownership on projects.


The truth is, for some team members, personal responsibility isn't always ingrained. Maybe they haven't had the opportunity to develop strong work habits at home . . . or maybe they are simply overwhelmed and don’t know how to ask for help. 

Things like basic courtesy (saying "please" and "thank you"), following through on commitments, and maintaining a sense of urgency might not be second nature.

Here's the surprising secret: investing in personal responsibility training for your restoration team can have a dramatic impact. It's not just about creating better employees (although that's certainly a benefit!). It's about fostering a culture of accountability and ownership that strengthens your entire business.


The Power of Personal Responsibility in Restoration 

When everyone on your team embraces personal responsibility, the results can be transformative:

  • Increased Efficiency: When team members are accountable for their tasks, projects flow smoothly and deadlines are met consistently.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Proactive communication and taking initiative to solve problems leads to happier and more loyal customers.
  • Boosted Employee Morale: A culture of ownership brings about a sense of accomplishment and pride in one's work, leading to a more motivated and engaged team. 


Building a Personal Responsibility Training Program: Simple Steps, Big Impact

The good news is, you don't need a complex training program to cultivate personal responsibility. Here are three key areas to focus on with simple yet impactful results:

1. Communication:

Simple courtesies like saying "please" and "thank you" make a big difference. Encourage timely follow-up on emails and voicemails. A same-day response sets a professional tone and keeps projects moving forward.

2. Role Clarity:

Ensure everyone on your team understands what's expected of them. Regularly review job descriptions or create clear expectations documents that outline roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols. This eliminates confusion and fosters ownership.

3. Accountability:

Empower your team to hold themselves accountable. Encourage setting personal goals within each role, and utilize progress tracking to monitor achievements. This fosters a sense of ownership and continuous improvement. I’m a big fan of Gino Wickman’s EOS process he lays out in his book, Traction.  Traction provides a great framework for accountability by implementing a simple scorecard where every team member knows their most important numbers - the two to five most important metrics that tell them if the are “on” or “off” track.


Simple Training Techniques to Get You Started

You don't need fancy training methods. Here are some easy ways to implement personal responsibility training:

  • Group Discussions: Facilitate discussions about the importance of personal responsibility and its benefits. Encourage team members to share their experiences and ideas.
  • Role-Playing Exercises: Role-play scenarios that illustrate effective communication, clear expectations, and self-accountability. This allows for a safe space to practice and receive feedback.
  • Short Online Courses: Several online resources offer short courses on personal responsibility in the workplace. Explore these resources and choose ones that align with your specific needs.


Leverage Existing Frameworks: Make Training Efficient and Inexpensive

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. There are many excellent resources available to help you build a personal responsibility training program for your restoration business. Here are a couple of options to consider (I used both of these in my business for years):

  • John Maxwell's 17 Laws of Teamwork: This popular resource provides valuable principles on effective teamwork, which directly correlate with personal responsibility. Consider dedicating a weekly training session to discussing one or two of these laws and how they can be applied within your team.
  • The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn: This book explores the concept of "The Fred Factor" – the idea that everyone, regardless of their position, can significantly impact an organization. Weekly discussions on key takeaways from The Fred Factor can foster a sense of ownership and accountability within your team.


Simple Training Techniques (with existing materials):

In addition to the techniques mentioned previously, here's how you can leverage these resources for your training sessions:

  • Break Down the Material: For each chosen resource (e.g., The 17 Laws of Teamwork), select a specific law and dedicate a 15-20 minute session to discussing its meaning and real-world applications. With this book and/or video series, you’ve got 17 weeks of content all planned out for you.
  • Facilitate Group Discussion: Encourage team members to share their ideas and experiences related to the chosen law or concept.
  • Actionable Steps: Conclude each session by brainstorming specific actions team members can take to implement the discussed principles in their daily work.

By following these steps and prioritizing personal responsibility, you'll empower your team and strengthen your restoration business.

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