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Stop Making Excuses: 3 Game-Changers for Your Business

Sep 07, 2024

Taking a step back from the daily operations helped me open new businesses.

I bet you’ve done some hard things in your life, right? Things you didn’t necessarily want to do. Was there ever a time when you did something really hard, and you’re so glad you did it? I want you to think about one of those times as you listen to my story today.

This summer, I did something that I had been putting off for over two years, and I’m so glad I took action. It all started with a conversation I had with my son Joey while we were standing in the ocean. He asked me, “What are you waiting for?” and it hit me like a ton of bricks—I had been waiting for the "right time." For two years, I had been making excuses: too busy, vacation is coming up, I’m not cut out for that, it seems way too hard. But at that moment, I decided that there was no good reason to keep waiting. I started that day.

That was 59 days ago, and I’m 59 days into a 75-day challenge called 75 Hard, a mental and physical challenge by Andy Frisella. My only regret is that I didn’t start two years ago when I first found out about it. The physical and mental benefits have been incredible, and I’m not even finished yet.

This isn’t about the specifics of the program; it’s about doing hard things—why we put them off and what we’re missing out on when we do. Whether you own a restoration company or you’re a general contractor or remodeler, this applies to you.

There were hard things in my business that I was putting off, and when I finally got around to saying to myself, "Enough with the excuses, bud, and get to work on solving these issues," the impact was huge. Here are the three things I put off for a long time and then took action on. They made a massive difference for me personally, professionally, and financially.

1. Getting Serious About Understanding My Financials

I didn’t become an accountant, but I got really good at understanding the numbers in my business. I set up systems to get accurate reporting that I could take action on. I used the numbers to really run the business instead of ignoring them because they didn’t make sense or weren’t accurate. As a result, I became much more profitable and I stopped wasting time worrying about things I couldn’t control. This clarity didn’t just help me—it helped my entire team.
2. Removing Myself from Day-to-Day Operations

This was huge. I got methodical about systemizing, creating how-to documents, and making videos so I wasn’t involved in the day-to-day operations. Because of this, I was able to start multiple businesses and have a business that was very easy to sell because it largely ran without me. This was a game-changer, but it was something I had put off for a long time.

3. Implementing a Rock-Solid Accountability System

I created a strong system for planning and holding the team accountable, including myself. Even though I wasn’t involved in day-to-day operations, I still had responsibilities in my businesses, and I held myself accountable. This accountability system was another game-changer that made a significant difference in how the business operated.

Looking back, if I could do it all over again, I would have taken action much sooner. But I’m so glad I finally did.

So, what have you been avoiding? What excuses have you been making? What can you take action on today? Most of us don’t look forward to doing hard things, but the benefits of taking action are worth it. If you need any support or just want to have a conversation, reach out to me. Book a call or send me an email at [email protected].

I’ll see you in the next video.


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