Use this 2-Page Assessment to Build Revenue
Mar 15, 2023
Are you looking for ways to boost your revenue? A question that comes up all the time from Restoration owners is, How can I grow my revenue? - there’s got to be more to this than buying leads or spending money on PPC. I’m a huge believer in being diverse in your referral sources and making the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
I have a simple two-page sales activity assessment that can help you identify ways to grow your revenue. By going through this assessment, you are guaranteed to come away with a few ideas, some of which can be implemented today.
This two-page PDF assessment is divided into six different categories that I believe can help you build revenue. As you go through each section, you'll come away with ideas, some of which may already be on the document. I even left some blanks for you to fill in, so you can add ideas from your peers, things you've learned at conferences but never implemented, and new ideas the assessment may have triggered.
The first section focuses on the foundation of your sales process. We'll explore questions like, what is your CRM strategy to collect lead data? How are you following up with leads? Do you have a sales rep, and if so, are you coaching them and holding them accountable?
The second section is all about your follow-up process. We'll look at what happens after you get a lead and don't sell it on the first visit. What is your process for following up? This section will provide you with some interesting insights and ideas to improve your follow-up process.
The third section focuses on leveraging relationships. In every job, there are multiple people who could become referral sources, such as agents, adjusters, and contractors. We'll explore ways to nurture these relationships and turn them into valuable referral sources.
The fourth section is all about face-to-face marketing. We'll explore what you're doing in different verticals and whether it's time to expand into new areas, such as property managers or facilities managers. This section will provide you with ideas to help you expand your reach and connect with potential customers in new verticals.
The fifth section is all about digital marketing. We'll explore social media, email marketing, blog posting, and online reviews. For example, if you're not doing any email marketing campaigns, I encourage you to give it a try. Contrary to popular belief, email marketing still works.
The last section focuses on continual prospecting. We'll look at what you're doing to grow your database and get in front of new potential customers who have never referred to you before.
I understand that this assessment may seem like a lot to take in, but I guarantee that it won't take more than five minutes to complete. Go through the assessment, and then book a call with me. I'll help you create a simple plan that you can put into action today to start growing your revenue. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone (610-263-2772) or email (s[email protected]).
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