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What Do You Want the Second Half of 2024 to Look Like?

Jul 02, 2024

Take control of the second half of the year and have a big exit.

Can you believe we're halfway through 2024? I want you to take a couple of seconds and ask yourself a simple question: What do I want the next half of 2024 to look like? What things do I want to get in motion? What changes do I want in my business? If there are changes in business, they're probably going to affect your personal life as well, right?

So, if you ask yourself the question, What do I want for the second half of my year? What do I want it to look like? I want you to take 10 seconds right now and ask yourself that question. You might already be thinking about some things. I'll give you a couple of seconds. Just think about it right now. Maybe jot it down.

Okay? So I'm going to take some guesses about what showed up on your list. Maybe it's on paper, or maybe it's just in your head. You want more sales, you want to increase your revenue, you want to get more profitable, and you want to build a better team. You might not be 100% happy with your team's performance, and you want to make some changes around that. Another common thing that comes up for a lot of folks I talk with is that they want to get less involved in the day-to-day operations. I know that was really important for me.

One thing that might not have made it on your list, but I guarantee you is going to resonate, is that you want to build a business with significant value so that when you decide it's time to move on, you've got something to fund your retirement. If you're like a lot of other small business owners, the vast majority of your assets are tied up in your business and your home. The business is probably what's going to fund your retirement. It did for me, and I'm sure that if you're like most business owners, that's going to be important for your retirement as well. So if it's not already on your list, think about getting it on your list: building a business that has significant value so that when you decide to move on, you've got a significant asset to sell.

Okay, so now what? Right now, you've got to do something. You've got to take some kind of action. Without action, nothing happens. Everything just stays the same, or maybe it even gets a little bit less desirable.

Just pick one of those areas that you want to make improvements in and think about, "Okay, well, what am I going to do? I've got to put together a little action plan." Maybe it's around sales; maybe it's around understanding my finances so that I can get more profitable. Maybe it's around training and development, delegation, and letting things go. Training people to do the things that I do so that I am not the person who has to do them all the time. All of those things add up to a business that's worth more money. Who wants to buy a mess? Who wants to buy a business where maybe all the revenue is coming from one primary source? The business isn't all that profitable, the team's not that great, and the owner's heavily involved in the day-to-day operations, right? That all rolls up to a not-so-desirable business to purchase.

So change it. It's within your control. There are lots of people doing it. There are lots of folks in our industry who are having big exits—seven- and eight-figure exits. You can do it too. So I just want to leave you with the idea of taking action. Take a couple of minutes right now, drop what you're doing, take five minutes, and commit to something. Commit to some kind of action that you're going to take to start making progress in one of those areas that you said you wanted to make progress in. When I asked you that simple question, what do you want for the second half of 2024?

If you’re curious about what I can do for you, call or email me. I look forward to hearing from you.

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